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GiovanniI became 42 when I launched this site: the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything. Modesty is a virtue that at times is opposed to the truth, between the two I always prefer the truth. I like being myself. In a world full of stupids, someone has to do the dirty work of explaining to them why a stupid is stupid, maybe one day they will change. I hope for the better. I like reading the world, it's my favorite book. Unfortunately too many illiterates borrow it thinking that it is their property and its condition always worsens, who knows if someone can still read it in the future. The Delphic Oracle revealed that Socrates was the wisest man, but Socrates knew he did not know. In a period of crisis, the first cuts always affect human resources, as human beings are called vulgarly. The Delphic Oracle is gone and now I have to do everything myself. I am the wisest man because I know I don't know, I know my limits and I try to improve, and the competition is much more scarce than in Socrates' time, there is little to boast about. Everyone believes they know, few know. Hyper specialized knowledge blinds the mind. If you know all about the nail of the big toe of the left foot, but stop looking at the world in its entirety, you will never notice that the problem that the nail is suffering is because the leg has been severed. Open your mind and let the cosmos enter.